Business User Terms of Service


Effective from: 1 November 2024

1. About Gett

1.1 The Gett Platform is operated by GT Gettaxi (UK) Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07603404, with its registered office at Angel Gate, 326 City Road, Lower Ground Floor, London, EC1V 2NZ, United Kingdom. For further information on how to get in touch with Gett, please see clause 18 (How to contact us) below.

2. Definitions

In these Terms, unless otherwise defined the following capitalised terms shall have the meanings given to them below:

Account means a User’s individual account within the Gett Platform.

Advance Booking means a Booking with a scheduled pick-up time in the future, as specified by the User in the App.

App means the mobile application made available by Gett in connection with the Services.

Applicable Laws means all laws, regulations and legally-binding rules and guidelines applicable to the services provided in connection with these Terms (including the Transportation Services) as amended and in force from time to time.

ASAP Booking means a Booking requesting pick-up as soon as possible.

Booking means a confirmed Booking Request.

Booking Request means a request for Transportation Services submitted through the Gett Platform.

Business Agreement means the contract between Gett and a Client governing the terms on which Gett makes available the Gett Platform and provides any other services to such Client.

Business User Terms or these Terms means these Business User Terms of Service, as updated from time to time and available on the Website at:

Client means the legal entity or other form of organisation which has entered into a Business Agreement with Gett.

Driver means (i) in relation to a Taxi Journey, the Taxi Driver; and (ii) in relation to a PHV Journey, the PHV driver provided by the PHV Operator.

Fulfilment Partner a third party transportation services provider that carries out a Booking, being either a PHV Operator (in relation to a PHV Journey) or a Taxi Driver (in relation to a Taxi Journey).

Gett, we, us means GT Gettaxi (UK) Limited (trading as “Gett”), further details of which are set out in clause 1.

Gett Group means Gett and any of its affiliated companies.

Gett Person means any member of the Gett Group and each of their respective employees, contractors, officers, members and shareholders.

Gett Platform means the App, the Web Portal and/or telephone booking service operated by Gett in connection with the Services.

Intermediary Services means the intermediary services performed by Gett when it connects Clients and Users to Fulfilment Partners via the Gett Platform. When performing Intermediary Services, Gett does not itself accept the Booking Request (either on its own behalf or on behalf of a Fulfilment Partner), but instead acts in the capacity of an intermediary/agent facilitating a booking made between the Fulfilment Partner and the Client directly. As part of the Intermediary Services, Gett (i) processes the Booking, (ii) facilitates payment for the Transportation Services, and (iii) may provide customer support services in relation to the Booking; however Gett is not a party to the contract for the provision of the Transportation Services as between the Fulfilment Partner and the Client.

Journey means the Taxi Journey or a PHV Journey, as applicable.

London Area means the Greater London Authority area regulated by TfL in relation to taxi and PHV services.

Losses means any losses, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses suffered or incurred, and, in each case, any claims (including third-party claims) or actions in respect thereof.

Notification means a written notification through the Gett Platform, which may include a push notification in the App or Web Portal, SMS text message or e-mail.

User Obligations has the meaning given in clause 5.1.

PHV means a licensed private hire vehicle, which includes vehicle types such as executive cars, chauffeur services, limousines and minicabs.

PHV Booking means a Booking for PHV Transportation Services.

PHV Operator means a third party PHV operator licensed under Applicable Law to provide PHV Transportation Services.

PHV Journey means the Transportation Services provided by the PHV Operator pursuant to a PHV Booking.

Principal Services means the type of services described in clause 15.

Privacy Notice means Gett’s Privacy Notice as amended from time to time and published on the Website at

Services means the services provided by Gett to a Client and its Users pursuant to the Business Agreement and these Terms (which excludes, for the avoidance of doubt, any Transportation Services).

Service Area means the regions in the United Kingdom where Transportation Services are shown as available within the Gett Platform from time to time.

Taxi means a hackney carriage licensed in accordance with Applicable Law (and in London sometimes referred to as a ‘black cab’ or ‘black taxi’).

Taxi Booking means a Booking for Taxi Transportation Services.

Taxi Driver means a third party, self-employed individual who is registered and licensed under Applicable Laws as a provider of Taxi transportation services.

Taxi Journey means the Transportation Services provided by the Taxi Driver pursuant to a Taxi Booking.

TfL means Transport for London.

Third Party Passenger means any other person who uses the Transportation Services under a User’s Booking, including any person accompanying a User during a Journey.

Transportation Services means the ground transportation services performed by a PHV Operator (PHV Transportation Services) or Taxi Driver (Taxi Transportation Services), as applicable, pursuant to a Booking.

Web Portal the web-based booking portal made available by Gett to Clients.

Website means Gett’s website located at

User, you means an individual who uses the Services and/or Transportation Services pursuant to a Booking made under a Business Agreement.

3. Introduction

3.1 These Terms apply to Users who are using the Services and/or Transportation Services in a business capacity pursuant to a Business Agreement.

3.2 These Terms, together with the applicable Business Agreement, Privacy Notice and other documents referred to herein, govern your use of the Gett Platform and all services provided to you by Gett in a business capacity. Please read them carefully before you start to use the Gett Platform or make a Booking Request. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use the Services.

3.3 When you use the Services, you agree that (a) you are acting on behalf of your associated Client and not in your personal capacity, and (b) that your use of the Services is subject to the terms of the applicable Business Agreement in addition to these Terms.

3.4 By clicking/tapping the acceptance box/prompt and continuing to use the Services, you indicate that you agree to and accept these Terms (as they may be updated from time to time), and you are entering into a legally binding contract with Gett.

3.5 The current version of these Terms can always be found on the Website at

3.6 In addition to these Terms, the following legal terms also apply to your use of the Services (where applicable):

3.6.1 Business Agreement: The terms of the Business Agreement govern your use of the Services and the Transportation Services, and take precedence over these Terms to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between them.

3.6.2 Privacy Notice: Our Privacy Notice describes how we process, manage and protect your personal data. Looking after your data is one of our top priorities. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your data, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact information specified in the Privacy Notice.

3.6.3 App store terms: The terms of the mobile or software application store from which you download the App, including the Apple Store and Google Play.

3.7 In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between them, the following order of priority applies between the following documents: (1) the applicable Business Agreement; (2) the Privacy Notice; (3) these Terms.

4. Business services offered by Gett; Contractual relationships

4.1 The Services offered by Gett to business customers under these Terms fall into the following categories:

4.1.1 Facilitation of Taxi Bookings

(a) Taxi Bookings may be either ASAP Bookings or Advance Bookings.

(b) In relation to Taxi Bookings, Gett provides Intermediary Services only. This means that Gett only acts as an agent/intermediary to connect the Client/User and the Taxi Driver. Gett is not a party to the separate and independent contract between the Client/User and the Taxi Driver for the performance of the Taxi Journey (which applies to the journey in the same way as if the Taxi had been hailed in the street).

(c) Subject to the terms of the applicable Business Agreement, the Taxi Driver is solely responsible for, and Gett cannot be held liable in relation to, the provision of the Taxi Journey by the Taxi Driver.

(d) Gett acts as (i) the Taxi Driver’s commercial agent when collecting the Meter Fare payable by the Client to the Taxi Driver; and (ii) as the Taxi Driver’s selling agent when offering the Taxi Driver’s services through the Gett Platform. For the avoidance of doubt, Gett is acting as agent on behalf of the Taxi Driver in those two circumstances only and for those limited purposes only.

4.1.2 Facilitation of PHV Bookings

(a) PHV Bookings may be either ASAP Bookings or Advance Bookings.

(b) In relation to PHV Bookings, Gett provides Principal Services. Further information regarding the Principal Services is set out in clause 15.

5. User obligations

5.1 The obligations in this clause 4.1.2(b) (the User Obligations) apply to all Users and Third Party Passengers travelling under the same Booking.

5.2 You must be at least 18 years of age to use the Transportation Services, provided that minors may use Transportation Services if accompanied by a responsible adult. Unaccompanied minors are not permitted to use any Transportation Services except pursuant to any express arrangement for transportation of unaccompanied minors under the applicable Business Agreement.

5.3 You agree to:

(a) comply with the User Conduct rules in clause 5.4;

(b) comply with these Terms and all Applicable Laws relating to your use of the Services and the Transportation Services;

(c) use the Transportation Services only for legitimate and lawful purposes; and

(d) notify us immediately if you believe a Fulfilment Partner has breached any of their obligations to you or any Applicable Laws.

5.4 User Conduct

In relation to all Bookings, you must:

(a) wear a seatbelt at all times while in the vehicle;

(b) not transport any illegal or dangerous goods;

(c) not smoke (including e-cigarettes) or consume alcohol;

(d) not behave in a disorderly, inappropriate, threatening or abusive manner (including in all communications with Drivers and customer support personnel);

(e) not cause any damage to, or cause a vehicle to be dirtied in any way;

(f) not film or record the Driver while inside the vehicle;

(g) not distract the Driver or cause any danger to other road users; and

(h) load and unload your own luggage, provided that Drivers may assist at their discretion and at your sole risk.

5.5 You may be asked to provide proof of identification to verify that you are the User to whom the Booking relates.

5.6 A Fulfilment Partner is entitled to refuse to provide Transportation Services (including cancelling a Booking) if they, in their reasonable discretion, believe that a User or Third Party Passenger has breached or intends to breach any of the User Obligations. Bookings cancelled as a result of a breach of the User Obligations may be subject to a cancellation fee.

5.7 You acknowledge that your use of the Services and/or the services of any Fulfilment Partner may be temporarily suspended and/or permanently blocked in the event of sufficiently serious or persistent breaches of the User Obligations, at the sole discretion of Gett or the relevant Fulfilment Partner. We will always notify the Client if we exercise any rights under this clause.

5.8 The User with respect to a Booking (and by extension the Client) bears full responsibility for any Third Party Passenger (including any persons under the age of 18) travelling under the same Booking, including with respect to compliance with the User Obligations.

6. Lost property

6.1 Please notify us as soon as possible if you believe you may have left any personal items in a vehicle. We will act as an intermediary between you and the Fulfilment Partner to assist with any lost property enquiries as best we can, but Gett cannot be held liable for (and is not required to procure insurance in relation to) any Losses resulting from items being left behind in a vehicle.

7. Your account

7.1 If you wish to use the App to access the Gett Platform, you will be required to download the App to an electronic device which meets the minimum technical requirements. As part of the registration process for the App, you will be required to provide the following information:

(a) First name and last name;

(b) Valid telephone number; and

(c) Valid e-mail address.

7.2 You are responsible for keeping your Account information up-to-date and secure. You must not allow anyone else to use your Account, and you should notify us immediately if you think your Account information may have been compromised.

7.3 You may not create more than one Account per User (provided that, if applicable, you may hold a separate Account in your capacity as a User of Gett’s business services and a user of the Gett Platform in your personal capacity).

7.4 Details regarding your past Bookings can be found in the Rides section of the App or the Web Portal. If you have any queries regarding a past Booking please contact us.

8. Right to suspend or terminate access to the Services

8.1 We may, at our sole discretion, suspend or terminate your Account or your access to any of the Services (partially or fully) with immediate effect at any time if:

(a) you materially breach these Terms (including the User Obligations);

(b) we suspect fraudulent, unauthorised or unlawful activity in relation to your Account and/or your use of the Services; or

(c) we consider that such action is reasonably necessary or prudent, in our sole discretion, for the safety or security of other users of the Services, Fulfilment Partners and/or Drivers, or for continued good operation of any of the Services,

and we may, at our sole discretion, temporarily or permanently disable your access to the Gett Platform and any Services in the circumstances described above. Prior to taking any action to suspend or terminate your Account under this clause we will notify you and the Client unless there are legal or other reasonable grounds for not doing so.

9. Fees & payment

9.1 The applicable fees and charges (including cancellation & waiting time policies) are governed solely by the Business Agreement.

9.2 Users shall not under any circumstances pay a Fulfilment Partner directly (in cash or otherwise) for the Transportation Services, and Gett shall not be held liable for any such payment.

10. Intellectual property & cybersecurity

10.1 Subject to these Terms, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive licence to use the App solely in connection with your use of the Services. All intellectual property rights relating to the Gett Platform (including modifications and updates from time to time) will remain at all times vested in Gett or its affiliates.

10.2 You agree not to:

10.2.1 use the Gett Platform for any illegal or malicious purpose, or in any way that could damage, overburden or compromise Gett’s systems and information;

10.2.2 infringe the intellectual property rights of any member of the Gett Group, or those of any third party in connection with your use of the Services (and you must notify us promptly if you become aware of any such claims or allegations);

10.2.3 use any trade marks of the Gett Group without Gett’s express prior written consent;

10.2.4 resell, transfer, distribute or otherwise provide unauthorised access to the Services to any third party;

10.2.5 introduce any viruses or other harmful or malicious code into the Gett Platform; reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to defeat or circumvent any software protection mechanisms in the Gett Platform; or attempt to derive the source code from the Gett Platform;

10.2.6 use or attempt to use any engine, software or other mechanism to collect or harvest data from the Gett Platform or otherwise in relation to the Services.

10.3 The Gett Platform may link to other websites, apps or materials owned and controlled by third parties, for which Gett is not responsible and which you access at your sole risk (including in relation to any personal information you may share with such third parties).

11. Technical requirements

11.1 In order to use the Services, you must ensure that your device meets the minimum technical requirements required for use of the App, including with respect to the operating system, mobile data and internet access.

11.2 Users are advised to regularly back up all content and data used in connection with the Gett Platform. Gett cannot be held liable for any corruption or loss of such content or data.

11.3 Occasionally you may be required to update the App. To ensure that you always have access to the latest features and functionality of the Gett Platform, and the latest security updates, please ensure that you are always using the latest version of the App. In some cases, if you are not using the latest version you may be unable to access the Services.

12. Data privacy

12.1 By using the Services, you consent to Gett processing your personal information in connection with the Services in accordance with data protection laws, the Privacy Notice and the Business Agreement.

13. Liability

13.1 Gett’s liability with respect to both Clients and Users is governed solely by the Business Agreement (except as provided in these Terms, to the extent they do not conflict with the Business Agreement). With respect to Users, this is on the basis that the User acts on behalf of its associated Client when using the Services. By receiving any Services and/or Transportation Services, each User acknowledges and agrees that neither Gett nor any Gett Person will be liable to such User in an individual capacity, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of such services; provided that nothing in this paragraph will limit or exclude any liability that cannot be limited or excluded under English law.

14. Specific terms relating to London Area PHV Bookings

14.1 For all London Area PHV Bookings, the Booking confirmation sent to you prior to the start of the Journey will include:

(a) the name of the PHV Operator that will provide the Transportation Services;

(b) the vehicle registration mark (number plate) of the Driver’s vehicle;

(c) the first name of the Driver;

(d) the Driver’s PHV licence number (as shown on the ID worn by the Driver); and

(e) a photo of the Driver (where you are able to receive it).

15. PHV Bookings – Additional provisions

15.1 Gett provides Principal Services in connection with PHV Bookings. When providing Principal Services:

15.1.1 Gett accepts (as principal) the PHV Booking Request of a Client;

15.1.2 Gett contracts with the Client (as principal) to provide the PHV Transportation Services for the Booking; and

15.1.3 Gett subcontracts the fulfilment of the PHV Transportation Services to a third party PHV Operator.

15.2 In relation to Principal Services:

15.2.1 whilst Gett subcontracts the provision of the Transportation Services to the relevant third party PHV Operator, Gett remains primarily responsible for the provision of the Transportation Services to the Client and to the User (the Principal Operator Obligations) in accordance with and subject to the terms of the Business Agreement;

15.2.2 notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms or the Business Agreement, nothing in a Business Agreement will operate to limit or exclude the Principal Operator Obligations owed by Gett to (a) the Client, and/or (b) the User, except to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (including any applicable private hire licensing regulations from time to time); and

15.2.3 when providing Principal Services, Gett purchases and resells the PHV Transportation Services from the PHV Operator to the Client.

16. Changes to these Terms

16.1 We may make changes to these Terms at any time, provided that we will notify you in advance of any planned changes by way of a Notification when you next use the App and/or by e-mail.

16.2 You may object to any of the new changes within 4 weeks from the date of notification. If you do not exercise your right to object within this 4 week period you will be deemed to have approved the changes.

16.3 If you do not accept any changes notified to you, you may lose access to the Services and we may be required to close your Account, but we will notify you and the Client in advance if that is the case.

17. Miscellaneous provisions

17.1 Confidentiality. You must not use or disclose to any third party any confidential, non-public and/or proprietary information relating to (i) the Gett Platform, (ii) the business and operations of the Gett Group, (iii) any Gett Person, and/or (iv) any Fulfilment Partner, Driver or any other user of the Services, including Booking information and Driver information, that may be made available to you in connection with the Services, for any purpose except strictly as necessary for the purpose of receiving the Services in accordance with these Terms.

17.2 Interpretation.

17.2.1 Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.

17.2.2 Headings used shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms. References to clauses are to the clauses of these Terms.

17.3 Severability. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable such provision shall be modified so as to be enforceable or deemed deleted in full, and the remainder of these Terms will continue to be valid and enforceable.

17.4 Governing law. These Terms are governed by the law of England and Wales. The dispute resolution provisions set out in the Business Agreement shall apply to these Terms.

18. How to contact us

18.1 If you need to contact us for any reason, including queries, issues or complaints relating to a Booking or the Services, you can do so:

18.1.1 by sending an e-mail to;

18.1.2 using the Chat function in the App or Web Portal; or

18.1.3 by calling us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year on our dedicated Customer Support line: +44 207 397 4300

18.2 In particular, if you have any safety or other concerns relating to any vehicle or Driver, please contact us immediately.

Version: v.1.0.240913