With COVID spiking for the second time in many countries around the world (Israel, Spain and France – to name a few), it’s time for organisations to accept that we need a new way of working. A method of working that not only helps ingrain productivity and promotes mental health – but a way that is sustainable for the foreseeable – because it doesn’t look as though ‘normality’ will be returning any time soon.
Why should you care about an unmotivated workforce? Let’s start with what a lack of motivation can cost a business. According to research, the economic damage of unmotivated employees is over $450 billion per year – in the US alone! That’s a lot of wasted money – particularly when organisations can help reduce that with relatively simple and effective solutions. Just because you have employees who travel for business or your workforce works predominantly from home right now, doesn’t mean you can’t support them from afar.
Employees have been forced into home-working. Which, for many, has been a positive experience in terms of personal life. But, it has changed our perspective when it comes to our working lives. Up to 91% of us feel more productive when working from home, so this forced experiment might become the new normal. Travelling for business will continue but maybe commuting to the office daily at least is now a thing of the past.
Instead of going through the motions of the outdated 9-5 office environment, what can your company do right now to keep employees motivated when they’re working away from the office or travelling?

Set clear expectations
Now, please don’t mistake this for micro-management – it’s pretty much the opposite! When employees know what is expected of them when working away, they have pre-set boundaries to work within. You probably don’t need to be told that micro-management hinders productivity – in fact, employees actually work harder when given autonomy.
Making each member of the team accountable for their weekly tasks can help them gain perspective and a clear focus when working from home, from a hotel as they travel – even from a taxi – wherever they are, set clear expectations.
Encourage social communication
Sounds simple, right? That’s because it is. It’s so simple that many organisations forget their employees crave interaction – we’re social beings, remember! We’re still battling COVID – so some virtual communication wouldn’t go amiss. With employees dotted around the world – it’s even more important to keep them in the loop. We don’t want to brag – but here at Gett, we think we’ve developed a pretty good team communication system. Our teams work remotely, and our employees span the globe – we make sure they have the chance to participate in both online and offline activities – in a social capacity. We must remain socially connected as a team – just because we might be in different time zones, doesn’t mean we can’t form close working relationships. Sixty per cent of women said they have a close friend at work, and 56 per cent of men admitted having work best friends as well. Forming relationships can help you enjoy your job that little bit more – and as the employer, it’s your job to encourage friendships through virtual socialisation. So, what are you waiting for??
Help your employees craft the perfect working environment
OK, so COVID through us all a curveball – and if you haven’t worked from home before it can be tricky to find a space that best fits your needs. The dining room chair might be comfy for your nightly meal – but in reality, sitting down for extended periods is a no-go. Part of working effectively when you’re away from the office is feeling comfortable. Again, we don’t want to brag… But here at Gett, we’re proud to invest in our employees’ home work stations. We want them to feel comfortable and productive. If you’re not willing to invest in office equipment, how can you expect them to work well day-in-day-out for your company?
Our employees are given a budget, and they can spend that on whatever they deem necessary for a comfortable working environment. From task chairs, monitors, monitor arms – you name it – if it helps you work – buy it!
Investing in your employees wherever they are in the world is imperative to create a united workforce. Without unity, you’re treading water alone.
Read next: The tech making travel safer (and more enjoyable!)